OMRON Arm Types Blood Pressure Monitors (Bluetooth) HEM-7157T
產品功能藍牙傳輸 APP管理血壓偏高提醒壓脈帶著裝確認不規則脈波檢測身體晃動警示十分鐘內三次平均值100組記憶適合臂圍:22-32公分產品規格壓脈帶型式:軟式壓脈帶適用臂圍:22~32cm藍牙傳輸/集點上傳記憶組數:100組×1人壓脈帶著裝確認 不規則脈波檢測身體晃動檢測高血壓警示十分鐘內..
OMRON HEM-8712 Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
IntroductionTo keep track of your blood pressure and help you in effective health management, here is the Omron HEM 8712 Blood Pressure Monitor with a..
HK$420.00 HK$599.00
Omron JPN610T Bluetooth Smart Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
Product SpecificationPlace of ManufactureJapanTypeUpper ArmIrregular Heart Beat IndicatorYESFlash Warning for High Blood Pressure ReadingsNILArm Movem..
HK$820.00 HK$1,206.00
OmronHEM-7156 Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
IntroductionOmron HEM-7156 Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor adopts a large-size hard cuff with a width of 22-42 cm. It can be easily worn with one han..